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August 3, 2024

I'm Angry That I'm Not Standing Out. What Should I Do??


You're plugging away. 

You're applying.

You're tailoring.

You're learning.

You're networking.


You're dangerously close to being "over it."

So, you're angry that you're being seen as having the same skills as all other transitioning teachers.

I get it. That's a tough one. 

But it isn't so tough for me... 

Hear me out.

I've seen countless transitions from "just a face in the crowd" to "standout candidate with their pick of offer letters." 

Let's hustle you to the latter.

Common Solutions and Why They Might Not Work:

  • Generic Resume Tweaks: Just tweaking your resume to fit a job description isn’t enough. Employers get tons of applications, so a resume that doesn’t stand out is easily overlooked.

  • Applying to Tons of Jobs: Applying to every job you see can lead to burnout and little success. It’s more about quality than quantity.

  • Following Standard Advice: Basic tips like networking and using LinkedIn are important, but they might not be enough if you’re not using them in a unique way.

A Better Approach For You:


Use them. I'm serious.

  • Showcase Unique Teaching Experiences: Highlight specific achievements and unique experiences from your teaching career. Did you lead a cool project outside of the curriculum? Have you led other adults in professional development or mentoring? What about work outside your 9-5 that’s super relevant to your new role? Quantify these successes to show real impact.

  • Transferable Skills with a Twist: Emphasize how your teaching skills uniquely translate to your new career. Use storytelling to bring these skills to life. For example, if you were the data chair for your school, highlight how you turned burned-out colleagues into hopeful participants by leading data-driven initiatives that boosted morale and outcomes.

  • Personal Branding: Create a personal brand that sets you apart. Develop a professional website or portfolio showcasing your achievements, testimonials, and maybe even a blog with insights related to your new industry.

  • Continuous Learning: Make yourself irreplaceable by learning in-demand skills like AI, data analysis, and copywriting. These are valuable in every industry and many current employees lack the most up-to-date expertise in these areas. This shows you’re committed to growing and adapting.

Want to Dive Deeper?

Check out the Elevated Careers Career Change Accelerator™ to help you create a personalized strategy to prove to employers that you're not just another person passing their resume through. Matter of fact, I'll show you how to prove to them that you are the leader they NEED on their team. 

Your Next Steps

Ready to flip the script on your "blending in blues?"

Here's what do to next:

1. Start highlighting specific achievements and unique teaching experiences, including projects outside of the curriculum, leading adults, and relevant work outside your 9-5.

2. Talk about your transferable skills with storytelling, like leading data-driven initiatives that transformed colleague engagement (see details above).

3. Create (or update) your professional website or portfolio.

4. Find free tools to start upskilling on those HYPER IN-DEMAND skills like Generative AI, Prompt Engineering, Data Analysis, and Copywriting. No budget? Youtube is a great place to start.

The key to being THE CANDIDATE is to tell your story AND to keep your future skills sharp.

I hope you'll give this a try!

See you next week.

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When you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. The Elevated Career Change Accelerator™: Join countless educators in my flagship course. The Elevated Career Change Accelerator teaches you exactly how to transition from classroom to corporate (and even land your first promotion) in record time. Come inside to get 10 years of career transition expertise, proven methods, and actionable strategies across 6 in-depth modules. 

2. 1:1 Action Planning Session: Get your personalized strategies to smoothly transition from teaching to a corporate career, tailored to your unique experiences and goals. Together, we'll develop a practical, step-by-step action plan to navigate your career change confidently and effectively. 

3. The Promotion Accelerator™: Already hired? Don't simply wait for a promotion. You'll learn the most popular way success is tracked in corporate roles, set the one-year promotion plan in motion, and learn exactly how to be your strongest advocate in getting more responsibility, money, and freedom.


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