From Teacher to Corporate Leader, Simplified.


The most comprehensive system for selecting your next career, demonstrating your value, and turning more interviews into job offers

Designed exclusively for ambitious teachers like you, the Elevated Career Change Accelerator™️ is the only career transition system of its kind.

A place where educators who are sick of being your industry's best-kept secret can finally get the support you deserve so you can let go of limitations and unlock the door to the lucrative corporate journey that awaits YOU.

Get instant access starting at $25!


You are a high value educator who is ready to make a greater impact and find more freedom outside the classroom.

I see ads all the time telling you how to get...

The perfect resume
Tons of interviews
More job offers

I also have seen hundreds of teachers who...

Joined email lists
Paid for programs
Got personal coaching

...from all the big names making big promises.

But those big names didn't get you big results.

When your career change strategy is off...NO AMOUNT of advice, networking,
or resume rewriting WORKS.

Here's how you know your strategy is off...
1. You think you know what kinds of jobs you want to apply for but you're still not 100% sure
2. Finding open roles that interest you feels hard, and un-fun
3. You're rewriting your resume and cover letter over and over and over
4. You're casting your application net REALLY far and wide
5. When you do apply, you don't hear back the majority of the time
6. When you do land an interview, you make it through a round or two and then get a rejection letter 

I could write 10 more, but the REALLY BIG way you know your strategy is off...



I HAVE GREAT NEWS: You don't need to start from scratch. 

Success is in the TWEAKS.

Using the research you've started, the resume you've been fiddling with, the networking you've been thinking about...

You just need to make tweaks.

Tweaks on where to find the best jobs. 

Tweaks to the way you broadcast your value.

Tweaks to the way you communicate with potential employers.

You already have the main ingredients for a career change but they need to be refined and organized... in record time.

That's where Elevated Careers comes in.

The ElevatED Career Change Accelerator™️ are where your tweaks happen. 

These tweaks will quickly get you through the boring and stressful parts of your career change so you can get to your best life.

Building your post-teaching career and becoming an impactful corporate leader is about to get a whole lot easierfaster, and fun!

Welcome to the Elevated Career Change Accelerator™

A completely different way to choose your next career, elevate your professional presence, ace your interviews, and transform from teacher to corporate leader.

Specifically designed for the former teacher who wants to make a greater impact, enjoy more freedom, earn more respect, and make more money.


As teachers, we should have time to invest in ourselves the same way we invest in our students, but the truth is - we don't.


What if...

The ElevatED Career Change Accelerator™ is where transitioning educators go to get 
maximum results in minimal time.

You don't have time to spare, let alone waste. 

We've taken the strategies that work and templatized them so you can focus on what matters most -  your family, your health, and making the most of your limited time.


The Strategies & Tools In The Elevated Career Change Accelerator Has Helped TONS of Teachers Successfully Transform From Teacher To Corporate Leader

So Many Teachers Have Landed Jobs At Companies Such As:

Where Will YOUR Success Story Lead You? 

Liquid error: Nil location provided. Can't build URI.
Liquid error: Nil location provided. Can't build URI.
Before ElevatED: Applied For The Job And Wasn't Interviewed.
After ElevatED: Reapplied And Landed The Job In Record Time!

Samantha | District Testing Coordinator
Before ElevatED: Applied, Applied, Applied.
After ElevatED: The Very Next Company She Applied To...
Interviewed, Got The Offer, and Negotiated A Raise
In Less Than 4 Weeks!
Sarah | Implementation Consultant
Liquid error: Nil location provided. Can't build URI.
Before ElevatED: Time Was Running Out.
After ElevatED: Jam-Packed Interview Schedule That Led To Multiple Job Offers!
Jessica | Assessment and Learning Asset Specialist

What's Inside the Elevated Career Change Accelerator?

The Accelerator is broken down into 6 modules with 25+ super-efficient lessons (including all organizers, examples, templates, and scripts you need).

Here's an overview of each:

Module #1: The Elevated Career Change Accelerator Roadmap

Welcome! The First Section Will Give You An Overview Of Our Career Change Accelerator Philosophy & Show You How To Make The Most Of The Content.

  • An Introduction To The ElevatED Career Change Accelerator
  • Discover The Real Reason Companies Hire Teachers (No One's Told You This)
  • Get The "Teacher Fundamentals" Of The Corporate World
  • Get A Behind-The-Scenes Look At Why It Feels So Hard To Change Careers (And Why No One Will Just "Give You A Chance")
  • Learn How To Effectively Use This Accelerator For Your Career Transition

Module #2: How To Use Your Transferable Skills To Select Your Next Career

Clearly Identify How Your Teacher Skills Translate To The Corporate World, How To Leverage Those Skills To Choose Your Next Career, & Where To Find Your Next Job.

  • Generate Your Unique List Of Transferable Skills
  • Learn How Your Transferable Skills Translate To Corporate Roles
  • Discover The Most Popular Industries and Roles For Former Teachers Tailored To Your Top Skills So You Can Select Your Next Career With Confidence
  • Avoid the #1 Pitfall Transitioning Teachers Fall Into At This Stage In Your Journey
  • Explore The Most Comprehensive, Transitioning Teacher-Friendly Places To Find Job Openings

Module #3: Demonstrate Your Value In Ways That Will Blow Employers Away

Recruiters and Hiring Managers Form An Opinion Of You In <30 Seconds. This Module Will Teach You Exactly How To Stand Out Above The Rest During Those Precious Seconds.

  • Avoid The 5 Most Common Mistakes Transitioning Educators Make When Applying For Jobs
  • Learn How To Rapidly Identify And Sharpen The Skills You Need To Get Hired
  • Identify Which Of Your Transferable Skills Will Get You The Most Bang For Your Buck (So You Don't Waste Time Highlighting Skills That Won't Get You Hired
  • Create A Themed Resume And Cover Letter That Will Save You Weeks Of Work

Module #4: Networking Made Easy

Nearly 50% of All Job Offers Come From Employee Referrals. This Module Makes Mastering The Art Of Networking Easier Than Ever (So You Don't Burn Out On Endless "Informational Interviews"). Bonus: It Works For Extroverts AND Introverts. 

Get Networking-Ready By Elevating Your Online Presence

  • Get Step-By-Step Instructions For Transforming Your LinkedIn Profile Into A Job Magnet
  • Learn The Process For Positioning Yourself As A Thought Leader In Your New Industry So Recruiters/Companies Reach Out To YOU With Opportunities

PLUS Word-For-Word Email Templates And Scripts For Your Career Transition Journey That Will Get You Results With A Simple Copy/Paste, Including:

  • How To Warm Network With Friends/Family/Colleagues For Your Benefit
  • How To Cold Network With People In Your Target Industry On LinkedIn
  • How To Ask Someone About Their Career Transition
  • How To Add Value To Someone's Work
  • How To Ask For Advice
  • How To Contact A Recruiter Directly To Apply For A Role Via Email + Follow Up Message
  • How To Let A Recruiter/Hiring Manager/Potential Employer Know You Applied For A Job
  • How To Follow Up On Job Applications
  • How To Write A Thank You Email After Interviewing With A Recruiter
  • How To Ask For Someone To Be A Reference For You

...And Steal My Personal Spreadsheet I Use To Track Networking Messages So You Can Stay Organized and Stress-Free


Module #5: Psychology-Backed Interview Tactics

Companies Want To Hire People Who "Get" Their Needs. This Module Will Teach You Exactly How To Show Your Interviewer You're The Right Choice.

Keep Track Of Your Applications and Follow Up Messages

  • Stay Organized With A Job Search Tracker Template + Automated Next Steps Reminders

Complete The Easiest Step-By-Step Interview Prep

  • Prepare Your Foundational Stories And Examples
  • Discover How To Learn Everything About Your Target Companies
  • Learn The Essential Interview Questions Asked in 99% Of Interviews
  • Get Step-By-Step Breakdowns And Examples For These Essential Interview Questions 
  • Steal My Simple Trick For Learning Every Question You Might Be Asked
  • Master the 4 Part Blueprint Of A Great Answer (With Examples)
  • How To Answer Confidently When You Don't Have Traditional Corporate Experience
  • Unlock 20+ Questions To Ask Your Interviewer That Will Make You Unforgettable
  • Uncover What You Should Ask For Your Salary & How To Negotiate
  • Learn How To Send A Job-Winning Thank You (Script Included)
  • 13 Additional Word-For-Word Email Templates And Scripts For Following Up After Your Interview

Module #6: Set Yourself Up For Your First Promotion

Don't Simply Wait For A Promotion. This Module Will Give You The Proven Strategy To Create Your Own Promotion Roadmap On Day 1 Of Your New Job.

  • Discover The Most Popular Way Success Is Tracked In Corporate Roles
  • Learn How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome With Your Manager's Help (And How To Turn Weaknesses Into Opportunities)
  • Steal My Simple Trick To Setting Clear, Ambitious, & Achievable Goals For Your First Year 
  • My Proven Strategy For Being Your Strongest Advocate (Accomplishments Tracker Included

You'll Get Instant Access PLUS...

The Following Time Savers

Essentials + Plus + Pro

  • Plug-and-Play Classroom-To-Corporate Language Translations
  • A Library Of Positions Specific To Your Education, Skills, & Interests
  • Comprehensive Job Boards & Companies Hiring Teachers
  • Resume + Cover Letter Templates With Language Optimization Guidance

Plus + Pro

  • Step-By-Step LinkedIn Optimization Guide For Transitioning Teachers
  • Copy-Paste Networking Templates and Scripts That Will Get You Results
  • Easy-To-Use Spreadsheet For Tracking Networking Outreach


  • Job Application Tracker With Automations & Reminders
  • Bank Of Common Interview Questions Asked In 99% Of Interviews
  • Scripted Answers For The Simplest To The Trickiest Interview Questions
  • Bank Of Questions To Ask Your Interviewer To Make You Stand Out
  • Copy-Paste Email Templates And Scripts For After The Interview
  • Copy-Paste Negotiation Message Templates and Scripts For After The Offer
  • Achievement Planner + Tracker For Your First Promotion

Is The Elevated Career Change Accelerator Right For You?

The perfect ElevatED Career Change Accelerator member is a teacher who has valuable opinions about how the world should work. (S)he is passionate about what (s)he does and cares about making an impact.

(and often wishes that (s)he didn't have to worry about rebranding herself or struggling to show her value despite having SO MUCH to give)

This Accelerator Is Right For You If You...

Feel like all you know is teaching. 

A school is essentially a business and you do tons of different jobs. Discover the world beyond teaching and how your current skills are highly transferable to your future corporate career.

Don't know what job is right for you.

We'll walk you through self-assessment exercises and career exploration activities so you can choose your best-fit career opportunity based on your interests, strengths, and values.

Are afraid you don't have enough time.

Your time is limited and precious. This self-paced accelerator delivers only focused and actionable information so that you get the most out of using your time efficiently.

Don't know how to market yourself.

You'll learn strategies to craft a compelling resume, write captivating cover letters, optimize your LinkedIn profile, and develop a strong personal brand that highlights your unique value proposition.

Are feeling overwhelmed.

We understand that transitioning to a new career can bring information overload, so we've broken down the career change process into proven, manageable tasks.

Are applying but getting no response.

Don't be discouraged! By implementing our proven techniques, you'll significantly increase your chances of securing interviews and receiving positive responses from potential employers.

Are not making it past interviews.

You'll learn how to effectively communicate your transferable skills, handle challenging interview questions, and make a lasting impression on hiring managers.

Want supportive, expert guidance.

This accelerator is led by industry experts who have successfully navigated the path from teaching to the corporate world. Join our community to unlock the answers to your most pressing questions.

What if I have already tried other career transition advice, started my resume, written my cover letter, or updated my online professional presence? 

If you already have these big pieces created, you can fix things faster. Usually, all you need are adjustments to your messaging. So be prepared to make our recommended tweaks so we can get you noticed, interviewed, and hired faster.


What if I haven't even started my career change process? As in, I have no idea where to start?

That's okay! The ElevatED Career Change Accelerator has EVERYTHING you need to map, build, communicate, and market yourself for your next career. We have all the instructions and templates you need to build everything. Plus, our coworking calls, supportive community, and micro-coaching will ensure you communicate your value to yourself and others the right way at the right time. 


If You Find Yourself Saying...

"I wish there was an easy way to see what else is out there for teachers."

"What are my transferable skills and how would I use them in a corporate job?"

"Where would I even start looking for open jobs that are the right fit for ME?"

"I want to apply for that job but I don't know what makes a candidate stand out."

"All I know is teaching, so I feel like that's the only way anyone will see me."

"I've applied to 800 jobs and NOTHING."

"I've had a few interviews but never made it past the first few rounds."

"I know I would be a good fit for that job. If only someone would give me a chance!"

"These rejection emails are so discouraging. I don't know what I'm doing wrong."

"Informational interviews aren't getting me anywhere."

 "I've tried other career change strategies and they aren't working for me."

"I need help from someone who has been through this and truly cares about my success."

"I know I overthink things. I need guardrails to keep me on the right track."

Then The Elevated Career Change Accelerator Is A Perfect Fit For You.


You Might NOT Be A Good Fit If...


You don't want advice on how to tweak your current job search strategy. 

We provide comprehensive guidance and proven strategies to help teachers transition to the corporate world, but it requires a willingness to embrace new ideas and adapt your approach.



You aren't passionate about making a difference.

If you lack the passion for exploring new opportunities, embracing change, and making a difference outside the classroom, this course may not resonate with your goals and aspirations. We believe that passion is a key driving force in successfully navigating a career transition, and our course is tailored to individuals who are eager to bring their skills and expertise to new environments.


You're not interested in being a problem-solver or leader.

Transitioning to the corporate world often involves taking on roles that require problem-solving skills and leadership abilities. If you have no interest in developing these skills or prefer not to take on such responsibilities, our accelerator may not be the best fit for you. We emphasize the importance of developing transferable skills that are highly valued in corporate settings, and our lessons are designed to empower teachers to tackle challenges with confidence.


You're looking for a "get-hired-overnight" scheme.

Building a successful career transition takes time, effort, and dedication. If you're seeking a quick-fix solution or instant results without putting in the necessary work, our course may not meet your expectations. We believe in a holistic approach that focuses on equipping teachers with the skills, knowledge, and guidance to successfully navigate their career change journey now and for any career transition in the future.

Who Am I & Why Am I Qualified To Share Advice On
Career Transitions For Teachers?

My name is Stephanie Yesil and I teach a growing community of former and transitioning educators how to transform from teacher to corporate leader

As a former educator myself, I understand the challenges and opportunities that come with stepping out of the classroom. When I left teaching, there were no resources for transitioning teachers. No social groups, no community support. I battled all the guilt and uncertainty.

I know what it feels like to make one huge decision just to jump into what feels like a million more. 

I also know how important it is to feel fulfilled and energized by your work.

I decided that every educator deserves to do work they want to do, where they want to do it whether that's inside or outside of the classroom.

For the last 9 years, I've tested every piece of advice I could find for transitioning teachers and went from impacting 38 students per class to more than 12 MILLION students nationwide, led deeply-talented teams, increased my salary over 450% well into six-figures, and started two companies.

I've spent years creating and leading professional development trainings for thousands of educators and today, I'm here to share the wisdom and practical advice of the world's successfully transitioned teachers with YOU.

Thousands of incredible educators with diverse skill-sets have decided to leave the classroom but are facing the jump alone in an increasingly crowded market. You don't have to be one of them! All educators, current and former, are welcome here and can use these resources to continue making a big impact in the world.

With the help of Human Resources Specialists, Recruiters, and a team of advisors who were once educators now crushing it in the corporate world, I've built tools crafted specifically for talented educators like you to overcome career change challenges and land a new and fulfilling role. It is my mission, and business, to make this process as efficient and easy as possible for you.

I’ll give you everything you need to elevate your purpose, skills, and impact since that's what the world really needs.

See you inside!

Try Risk-Free With Our Guarantee

We know this is a big decision for you (on top of all your other daily decisions!). We want this to be a stress-free experience.

We guarantee that you'll be happy with the results you get from the Elevated Career Change Accelerator and to back that up, we offer a  14-Day Satisfaction & Money Back Guarantee.

What's that mean?

If you commit to doing the work outlined in the course, we promise that you'll be happy and confident with the results you get from your career change efforts.

Since it's impossible to get better results without actually doing the work, we simply ask that you share some of the completed assignments from the course to show that you gave the material a good faith effort.

Email us at [email protected] within 14 days of purchase to request your full refund. Learn more about the guarantee in the accelerator terms here.


Elevated Career Change Accelerator FAQs

If you have a question not answered below, you're invited to reach out to [email protected]



or 4 payments @ $25/mo

Nice, Just The Basics! Get Instant Access To:
  • Module 1: Your Career Change Roadmap
  • Module 2: Select Your Next Career & Find Open Roles. Job Boards Included.
  • Module 3: Craft Your Job Winning Resume & Cover Letter. Templates Included.

...And Access To:

  • Add-On Personalized Action Plan/Strategy Sessions
  • 36 Comprehensive, Remote, Startup, and Specialty Job Boards
  • FREE Membership To The Elevated Career Change Society - Connect, Support, and Grow with Fellow Career Changers



or 4 payments @ $38/mo

Excellent Choice! Get Instant Access To: 
  • Module 1: Your Career Change Roadmap
  • Module 2: Select Your Next Career & Find Open Roles. Job Boards Included.
  • Module 3: Craft Your Job Winning Resume & Cover Letter. Templates Included. 


  • Module 4: Networking Made Easy. Templates and Planners Included.

...And Access To:

  • Add-On Personalized Action Plan/Strategy Sessions
  • 36 Comprehensive, Remote, Startup, and Specialty Job Boards
  • 661 EdTech and Non-EdTech Companies' Job Boards
  • FREE Membership To The Elevated Career Change Society - Connect, Support, and Grow with Fellow Career Changers



or 4 payments @ $75/mo

The Most Popular! Get Instant Access To:
  • Module 1: Your Career Change Roadmap
  • Module 2: Select Your Next Career & Find Open Roles. Job Boards Included.
  • Module 3: Craft Your Job Winning Resume & Cover Letter. Templates Included. 
  • Module 4: Networking Made Easy. Templates and Planners Included.


  • Module 5: Psychology-Backed Interview Tactics. World's Easiest 5-Step Interview Prep Guide Included.
  • Module 6: Corporate Leadership & Promotion Planner. Calendar and Trackers Included.

...And Access To:

  • Add-On Personalized Action Plan/Strategy Sessions
  • Micro-Coaching
  • 36 Comprehensive, Remote, Startup, and Specialty Job Boards
  • 661 EdTech and Non-EdTech Companies' Job Boards
  • 389 Subject-Specific Companies' Job Boards 
    (ELA/ESOL, Math, Science, Social Studies, and School Orgs)
  • FREE Membership To The Elevated Career Change Society - Connect, Support, and Grow with Fellow Career Changers

Giving Back With The Elevated Career Change Accelerator

Giving back is a huge part of the Elevated Careers mission. While there are many, many ways to do that, we focus on two: Maternal Health and Child Welfare.

Additionally, Elevated Careers donates a portion of its net profits to support the following organizations:

By purchasing our products to change your life, you are changing the world.