Top Administration & Management Jobs for Transitioning Teachers

career change Jun 30, 2023
Teacher Career Change, Jobs for Former Teachers

From education programs and operations to nonprofits and office management, these diverse positions provide opportunities for both well-paid job prospects, as well as satisfying personal growth. Read on to learn more about roles former educators, just like you, have already landed.

Note: Salary ranges are general estimates based on commonly available salary information from sources like the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), PayScale, and Glassdoor. Keep in mind that these figures are approximate and can vary depending on location, experience level, industry, and company size.

  • Education Program Manager

    Salary Range: $50K - $90K per year
    Education Program Managers play a crucial role in orchestrating the planning, implementation, and evaluation of education programs within organizations. Leveraging your expertise in teaching, you will collaborate with educators, administrators, and subject matter experts to develop program objectives, design curriculum content, and create engaging instructional resources. You will monitor program progress, ensuring compliance with regulations and standards, while remaining adaptable to make necessary adjustments. You’ll skillfully manage budgets, allocate resources efficiently, and coordinate program logistics, all with the ultimate goal of delivering effective and impactful educational experiences for participants.

>>> Click Here To See Current Open Roles On LinkedIn



  • Nonprofit Director

    Salary Range: $70K - $150K per year
    Nonprofit Directors provide visionary leadership and management for nonprofit organizations. Transitioning teachers can leverage their teaching experience to excel in this role by overseeing all aspects of the organization's operations. You will lead the charge in program development, fundraising efforts, financial management, and community engagement initiatives. Nonprofit Directors are instrumental in creating and implementing strategic plans, forging valuable partnerships, and cultivating relationships with stakeholders, donors, and volunteers. In addition, they ensure strict compliance with legal and regulatory requirements while serving as ambassadors for the organization's mission and values to the public and key stakeholders.

*Note that for this role, you may need an entry point in a lower-level role and work towards director-level roles. 

>>> Click Here To See Current Open Roles On LinkedIn


  • Office Manager

    Salary Range: $40K - $70K per year
    Office Managers play a vital role in ensuring the smooth administrative and operational functions of an office or department. Transitioning teachers can effectively utilize their transferable skills in this position to manage office systems, establish streamlined procedures, and optimize available resources. With your exceptional organizational prowess, you will skillfully handle various responsibilities, including managing schedules, coordinating meetings, organizing files and records, overseeing office supplies, and conducting basic financial transactions. Furthermore, you will provide valuable support to staff members, assist with human resources tasks, and foster a productive and efficient work environment.

>>> Click Here To See Current Open Roles On LinkedIn

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Stephanie Yesil

Steph is the founder of Elevated Careers where she has helped countless transitioning teachers land amazing jobs using ridiculously simple and straightforward advice. She has already done the hard part so you don't have to. Why? Because it is her mission, and business, to help every educator live their best life.

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