Top Training & Development Jobs for Transitioning Teachers

career change Jul 01, 2023
Teacher Career Change, Jobs for Former Teachers

From corporate training and instructional design to e-learning and professional learning, these diverse positions provide opportunities for both well-paid job prospects, as well as satisfying personal growth. Read on to learn more about roles former educators, just like you, have already landed.

Note: Salary ranges are general estimates based on commonly available salary information from sources like the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), PayScale, and Glassdoor. Keep in mind that these figures are approximate and can vary depending on location, experience level, industry, and company size.

  • Corporate Trainer

    Avg. Salary Range: $45K - $80K per year
    Leverage your teaching expertise as a Corporate Trainer, where you will design, develop, and deliver impactful training programs to employees within an organization. Drawing on your instructional skills, you will assess training needs, create engaging instructional materials, conduct dynamic training sessions, and evaluate the effectiveness of the training initiatives. Your role as a Corporate Trainer will empower employees to acquire new skills, enhance their performance, and foster their professional development, making a significant impact on their career growth.

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  • Instructional Designer

    Avg. Salary Range: $55K - $90K per year
    As an Instructional Designer, your background as a teacher gives you a unique advantage in designing instructional materials and creating enriching learning experiences for diverse educational or training environments. Collaborating with subject matter experts, you will analyze learning needs, develop effective learning objectives, design comprehensive curriculum, and select appropriate instructional methods and technologies. By applying learning theory and incorporating best practices, you will create engaging and interactive learning materials that optimize knowledge retention and skills acquisition.

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  • E-Learning Specialist

    Avg. Salary Range: $55K - $80K per year
    Your expertise in leveraging technology in the classroom positions you perfectly for the role of an E-Learning Specialist. In this role, you will focus on designing and implementing e-learning programs and technologies, delivering online courses, webinars, multimedia content, and interactive learning modules. By seamlessly integrating instructional design principles, learning management systems, and technology tools, you will facilitate dynamic and engaging online learning experiences for learners across various platforms.

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  • Professional Development Coordinator

    Avg. Salary Range: $55K - $80K per year
    As a Professional Development Coordinator, you will play a pivotal role in facilitating the planning, organization, and implementation of impactful professional development programs within an organization. Collaborating with internal stakeholders, you will identify learning needs, coordinate workshops or training sessions, manage schedules and resources, and evaluate the impact of these initiatives. By supporting employees' ongoing learning and career growth, you will contribute to enhancing their skills and expertise.

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  • Training Manager

    Avg. Salary Range: $65K - $110K per year
    With your teaching background and leadership skills, you are well-suited for a role as a Training Manager, overseeing the entire training function within an organization. In this capacity, you will develop comprehensive training strategies, manage training budgets, coordinate the design and delivery of training programs, and provide guidance to training staff. By aligning training initiatives with organizational goals and assessing training needs, you will ensure that training programs effectively support employee development and drive performance improvement.

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  • Professional Development Specialist

    Avg. Salary Range: $41K - $87K per year
    As a Professional Development Specialist, you will have the opportunity to create and implement impactful professional development programs and initiatives to enhance the knowledge and skills of employees within an organization. Working closely with individuals, teams, or departments, you will identify skill gaps and design training programs tailored to address those needs. Additionally, you will assess the effectiveness of training and development programs, making improvements as necessary, and manage relationships with external training providers to expand learning opportunities.

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  • Professional Learning Specialist

    Avg. Salary Range: $48K - $95K per year
    Similar to a Professional Development Specialist, the role of a Professional Learning Specialist focuses on educational settings such as schools and universities. By collaborating with educators and staff, you will identify areas for professional learning and develop training and development programs to meet those needs. Your role will involve assessing program effectiveness, organizing and coordinating professional development events, creating training materials, and establishing partnerships with external training providers to enhance the professional growth of educators.

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  • Learning and Development Specialist

    Avg. Salary Range: $45,000 - $104,000 per year
    As a Learning and Development Specialist, you will play a crucial role in creating, implementing, and managing learning programs and training sessions to enhance the skills and performance of employees within an organization. Drawing on your expertise in instructional design and training methodologies, you will assess employee skill gaps and develop targeted programs to improve their performance, boost productivity, and foster their overall professional development. Through your innovative approach to learning, you will contribute to building a culture of continuous growth and learning within the organization.

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Stephanie Yesil

Steph is the founder of Elevated Careers where she has helped countless transitioning teachers land amazing jobs using ridiculously simple and straightforward advice. She has already done the hard part so you don't have to. Why? Because it is her mission, and business, to help every educator live their best life.

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