Top Research & Analysis Jobs for Transitioning Teachers

career change Jul 01, 2023
Teacher Career Change, Jobs for Former Teachers

From market research and policy analysis to educational research and assessments, these diverse positions provide opportunities for both well-paid job prospects, as well as satisfying personal growth. Read on to learn more about roles former educators, just like you, have already landed.

Note: Salary ranges are general estimates based on commonly available salary information from sources like the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), PayScale, and Glassdoor. Keep in mind that these figures are approximate and can vary depending on location, experience level, industry, and company size.

  • Market Research Analyst

    Avg. Salary Range: $45K - $80K per year
    Teachers are no strangers to collecting and interpreting data, analyzing student behavior, and observing trends within their classrooms. These analytical skills are highly sought-after in the field of market research. By becoming a market research analyst, you can harness your expertise to uncover consumer insights, identify emerging trends, and contribute to strategic decision-making in the business world.

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  • Data Analyst

    Avg. Salary Range: $55K - $95K per year
    Your experience as a teacher has likely exposed you to a wealth of data surrounding student performance, attendance, and academic growth. Transitioning into a data analyst role empowers you to leverage this data-driven mindset and dive deeper into the world of analytics. By utilizing cutting-edge tools and techniques, you can extract valuable insights, visualize complex information, and drive evidence-based decision-making across various industries.

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  • Policy Analyst

    Avg. Salary Range: $55K - $95K per year
    As educators, we intimately understand the profound impact educational policies have on both students and teachers. Transitioning into a policy analyst role allows you to navigate the intricate world of education policy, evaluate its effectiveness, and shape its future direction. By applying your deep knowledge and insights, you can contribute to the development of policies that truly empower students and promote positive educational change.

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  • Educational Researcher

    Avg. Salary Range: $55K - $90K per year
    Teachers possess a unique vantage point, having witnessed firsthand the effectiveness of various teaching methods and interventions. By transitioning into an educational researcher role, you can actively contribute to the advancement of educational practices. Designing and conducting research studies, analyzing data, and generating evidence-based insights are just a few ways you can impact the field, ultimately enhancing teaching methodologies and optimizing student outcomes.

    >>> Click Here To See Current Open Roles On LinkedIn

  • Assessment Specialist

    Avg. Salary Range: $70K – 110K per year
    Assessment lies at the heart of effective teaching and learning. As a teacher, you are well-versed in designing assessments, analyzing results, and providing constructive feedback. Transitioning into an assessment specialist role allows you to dive deeper into this critical aspect of education. By honing your expertise in assessment design, data analysis, and educational measurement, you can contribute to the development of fair, valid, and impactful assessment practices that drive student growth and achievement.

    >>> Click Here To See Current Open Roles On LinkedIn

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Stephanie Yesil

Steph is the founder of Elevated Careers where she has helped countless transitioning teachers land amazing jobs using ridiculously simple and straightforward advice. She has already done the hard part so you don't have to. Why? Because it is her mission, and business, to help every educator live their best life.

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