Top Human Resources Jobs for Transitioning Teachers

career change Jul 01, 2023
Teacher Career Change, Jobs for Former Teachers

From human resources and employee relations to recruiting and training & development, these diverse positions provide opportunities for both well-paid job prospects, as well as satisfying personal growth. Read on to learn more about roles former educators, just like you, have already landed.

Note: Salary ranges are general estimates based on commonly available salary information from sources like the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), PayScale, and Glassdoor. Keep in mind that these figures are approximate and can vary depending on location, experience level, industry, and company size.

  • HR Specialist

    Salary Range: $40K - $70K per year
    As an HR Specialist, you will play a vital role in the human resources department, leveraging your transferable skills from teaching to excel in this position. With your strong organizational and communication abilities, you will assist in the recruitment process, ensuring that the organization attracts and retains top talent. Your attention to detail will be valuable in managing employee records, benefits administration, and ensuring compliance with labor laws and regulations. Additionally, your expertise in training and development will contribute to enhancing employee performance and fostering a positive work environment. By providing support to HR managers, you will help ensure that HR processes and policies are effectively implemented.

    >>> Click Here To See Current Open Roles On LinkedIn

  • Recruiter

    Salary Range: $45K - $75K per year
    Transitioning into a role as a Recruiter allows you to utilize your teaching skills to identify and engage with exceptional candidates for job openings within the organization. With your ability to assess individuals' potential and understand their unique qualities, you will source candidates through various platforms, including job boards, social media, and professional networks. Your strong interviewing skills and discerning judgment will enable you to identify the best fit for the organization. Furthermore, your experience in managing and motivating individuals will be advantageous in negotiating job offers and facilitating the onboarding process.

>>> Click Here To See Current Open Roles On LinkedIn

  • Employee Relations Manager

    Salary Range: $60K - $100K per year
    As an Employee Relations Manager, your expertise in fostering positive relationships and resolving conflicts will be highly valued. Leveraging your teaching background, you will effectively handle employee complaints, grievances, and conflicts, ensuring a harmonious work environment. Your strong investigative skills will aid you in conducting fair and impartial investigations when necessary. By providing guidance and support to managers and employees, you will contribute to the organization's performance management and disciplinary processes. Additionally, your ability to implement employee engagement initiatives and develop policies will promote a positive workplace culture.

>>> Click Here To See Current Open Roles On LinkedIn

  • HR Consultant

    Salary Range: $70K - $120K per year
    Transitioning into an HR Consultant role allows you to leverage your deep knowledge and experience to provide valuable guidance and expertise to organizations. Your teaching background has equipped you with the skills necessary to analyze and understand complex organizational dynamics. As an HR Consultant, you will work on a project basis or as an external consultant, supporting organizations in various HR functions. Your ability to develop policies, facilitate performance management, enhance employee engagement, and align HR practices with business objectives will be instrumental in driving organizational success.

>>> Click Here To See Current Open Roles On LinkedIn

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Stephanie Yesil

Steph is the founder of Elevated Careers where she has helped countless transitioning teachers land amazing jobs using ridiculously simple and straightforward advice. She has already done the hard part so you don't have to. Why? Because it is her mission, and business, to help every educator live their best life.

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