Why It's So Hard to Leave Teaching + Clear Steps On How To Move Forward

career change emotional support Jun 21, 2023
Transitioning teacher moving forward in her career journey

Despite the many rewards of teaching, leaving the profession can be an incredibly challenging decision. Here are some reasons why it is so hard to leave teaching along with advice on how to move forward:

Reason #1: Emotional Attachment 

Teachers often develop strong emotional connections with their students. Leaving teaching can feel like leaving a piece of yourself behind, and it can be difficult to detach emotionally from the profession.

How to Move Forward- Emotional Liberation

To overcome your emotional attachment to teaching, it is essential to acknowledge that the impact teachers make on students extends beyond the classroom. Remember that by choosing a different career path, you are still making a positive difference in the lives of others. Seek a role that contributes to the bigger picture and supports a cause that is important in your life.

Reason #2: Passion For Teaching 

Many teachers enter the profession because of their passion for teaching. Leaving teaching can feel like giving up on that passion and can lead to feelings of failure and loss.

How to Move Forward- Rediscovering Passion 

Although leaving teaching may feel like abandoning your passion, remember that passion can transcend any specific profession. Reflect on the aspects of teaching that ignited your excitement, such as inspiring others, fostering growth, or cultivating creativity. Seek opportunities in new careers that allow you to tap into these passions, whether it be mentoring, creating, writing, or advocating for others.

Reason #3: Sense of Purpose 

For many teachers, teaching is more than just a job; it is a calling. Leaving teaching can leave you feeling lost and questioning your purpose.

How to Move Forward- Unveil New Purposes 

When transitioning away from teaching, take time for introspection to discover your new sense of purpose. Consider your values, strengths, and the impact you want to make in the world. Explore various industries or roles that align with your values, allowing you to continue making a meaningful contribution. Embrace the excitement of discovering untapped potentials and the potential for personal growth.

 Reason #4: Financial Security

While teaching may not be the most lucrative profession, it often provides a level of financial stability that can be hard to replicate in other careers. Leaving teaching can be daunting, especially if it means giving up financial security.

How to Move Forward- Build Financial Growth and Stability

While financial security can be a significant concern when leaving teaching, it's important to evaluate your long-term goals and aspirations. Conduct thorough research on alternative careers, exploring the earning potential and growth opportunities they offer. It is often the case that corporate careers offer higher salaries and more generous benefits packages than those in teaching.

 Reason #5: Sense of Community 

Teachers often work closely with their colleagues, forming strong bonds and a sense of community. Leaving teaching can feel like leaving a family behind.

How to Move Forward- Build a New Community

Leaving teaching doesn't mean severing all connections with the educational community. Stay in touch with former colleagues, attend conferences or workshops related to education, and engage with online communities of educators. Simultaneously, embrace the opportunity to forge new connections in your new career. Networking events, professional organizations, and online platforms can help you connect with like-minded individuals who share your interests and goals.

Reason #6: Fear of the Unknown 

Leaving teaching means entering uncharted territory, and the fear of the unknown can be overwhelming. It can be challenging to take a leap of faith and step outside of your comfort zone.

How to Move Forward- Embrace the Unknown

While the fear of the unknown can be paralyzing, view it as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Recognize that stepping outside of your comfort zone is a catalyst for personal and professional development. Embrace the mindset of a lifelong learner, be open to new experiences, and approach challenges as opportunities for growth. Remember, your teaching experience has equipped you with valuable transferable skills that can be applied to a wide range of industries.

Reason #7: Identity Crisis

Teaching becomes a part of an individual's identity. Leaving teaching can leave individuals questioning their identity and struggling to find a new sense of purpose.

How to Move Forward- Redefine Your Identity

Transitioning away from teaching provides an opportunity to redefine your identity on your own terms. Reflect on the aspects of yourself that extend beyond the teaching role. Consider your values, strengths, and the unique qualities that define you. Engage in self-reflection and explore personal interests and hobbies that may have taken a backseat during your teaching career. Embrace the freedom to craft a new narrative that encompasses your multifaceted identity.


Transitioning out of teaching can be intimidating. From emotional attachment to worries about financial security, the anxieties of leaving a career behind for something new can prevent many from making a switch. But being aware of these challenges is your first step in overcoming them. By becoming emotionally liberated, rediscovering your passion, unveiling new purposes, focusing on financial growth, building a new community, embracing the unknown, and redefining your identity – you can confidently make this transition knowing you have solutions to the challenges that arise.

Now, What Are You Waiting For?

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Stephanie Yesil

Steph is the founder of Elevated Careers where she has helped countless transitioning teachers land amazing jobs using ridiculously simple and straightforward advice. She has already done the hard part so you don't have to. Why? Because it is her mission, and business, to help every educator live their best life.

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